
Hello, there lovely folks!

I know, it’s been a while since I have posted anything new or interesting here. But things are gonna change soon. I have decided to spend at least a few hours on this blog every week, pursuing #cookingwithakettle. I will be testing out new recipes and techniques and post it over here for you.

Meanwhile, like always, If you find something interesting that other readers of this blog might like, feel free to let me know. And, if you have any doubts or questions or confusions regarding the things I post (English is not my first language :(), feel free to ask. I will do my best to address those issues.

Like always, please be aware that the kettle is not a device inherently designed for cooking and doing so has many risks and dangers. Please read the instruction booklet and please be aware of the health, safety and fire regulations of the respective states you are in. These are my adventures and if you are following this and doing things, please be aware that you are doing it at your own risk.

Wish you all the best in your adventures and let’s see how we take off together.